cards games publications movies CD Repair order

Wayne Gretzky
Have the following magazines w/ Gretzky on the covers

10/12/81 (first cover) label torn off, otherwise
EX-MT $8
2/15/82 $4
12/27/82 $4
1/23/84 $4
2/18/85 $4
6/1/87 $4
5/30/88 $4
8/22/88 $4 Nr-Mt or label torn off $2
12/18/89 w/ Montana and Magic Johnson
10/7/96 $3

5/84 Sport $3
5-6/84 Goal EX $3
2/89 Hockey Stars Action Photos Nr-Mt $4
12/91 Tuff Stuff Jr - light creas $2
May 1984 Hockey Illustrated $3
4/26/99 Sporting News $2
91 Wayne Gretzky Hockey Great paperback $3

Exact postage additional
Credit cards OK
Immediate shipment

I should have more,Still inventorying.  Inquire if interested.

PO Box 861, Englishtown, New Jersey 07731
732-792-8430 * Fax: 732-792-2635 * E-mail:
